Monday, February 08, 2010

PG County looks into the face of Snowmageddon and pees down its leg

Borders mean so much. Skeptics might yell out of a passing bus, "You're only a mile from the PG County line! That's practically PG County! You didn't escape"

But the difference. OH! The difference! For the unaware, Snowmageddon blew in on Friday night, took up residence in the guest bedroom, and promptly took a 2 foot dump. And, like all unwelcome house guests, he fled quickly, leaving the rest of us to clean up. Today was the first day we left the house and we drove to the church to do some shoveling. Yes, the trip required us to venture into PG County.

New Hampshire to Adelphi. Two lanes perfectly clear.
Adelphi to East-West Highway. A mess. An absolute mess, with 3 inches of ice covering most of the road.
On the way back, it took us about 40 minutes to get from East-West to Riggs. Turned onto Riggs....and the pavement was completely clear. Powder Mill...completely clear.

I don't demand much of a county. Good schools, clear the roads. That's it. MoCo delivers, PG fails badly. I would love to know why. My cynical self says that it's not incompetence, but it's more likely that somehow my old nemesis Jack Johnson has a cozy deal with whomever is contracted to plow the streets. Love for someone to look into this.

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