Inception Level: The Nagging Doubts
You know what you saw, and you could easily explain it to someone, but as to why any of those things happened, you couldn't say. I'm not sure there's another movie besides Donnie Darko that fits here because I can't think of another movie that purposefully withholds major plot points from the viewer and asks them to do research after the fact.
Oh, like your dad never would sit you down with him to watch foreign comedies...without subtitles. You sit there and ask him why he's laughing and he says it's an inside French joke and all you can tell from the plot is that there's some weird food game show where the loser ends up in Hell (I watched this when I was ten...) and something about the son being a clown. I don't know. I couldn't understand the plot visually or aurally.
I really could have chosen from a number of sci-fi movies where I walked away thinking, "Yeah, I understood that" but had that nagging doubt that maybe there was something else that I missed. Inception seems to be the best one to fit here because I saw it recently. I suppose Children of Men could fit here too only because at the end I thought, "Wait, why couldn't any have a baby?"
Donnie Darko level: Convoluted Plot

2001 Level: Everything's Cool Until the Baby Appears in a Bubble
Slow, slow, slow, everything makes sense and then Dave follows the monolith down a wormhole and BOOM! After you've seen it thirty times, it starts to make sense. (Cue space nerds with Comic Book Guy Voice [or my new favorite voice, the weird guy at Liz Lemon's singles activities who always says things like: "That's not very much cheese" when Jenna tries to impress him] saying that they understood the very first time). But the first time, the weird ending is so long that you've given up trying to understand by the time bubble baby floats in.

L'Aile ou La Cuisse level: "Hey Dad...why?"

And finally, our newest addition....
The Fountain level: Floating Buddhas
1 comment:
Good review, Doug.
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