Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Way Back

It was foreordained from the foundations of time that I would love this movie. In fact, I think the whole reason this movie exists is to please me. Before you cry, "Solipsism!! It's what did in Aguirre, lad!!" let me make my points.

1. It's directed by Peter Weir, fresh off of his towering achievement that no one liked but me Master and Commander
2. It's a prison escapee movie.
3. It features long shots of people walking slowly in adverse conditions
4. It's an Incredible Journey
5. It's a Forced Brotherhood Where Some Will Die But You Don't Know Who movie
6. It has beautiful cinematography.

All this adds up to an incredibly boring movie for 95 percent of movie watchers. The other 5 percent who would like this movie live in Europe and will probably never see it. So, yes, I feel safe in saying that this movie was made especially for me.

Of course, this will not stop me from telling everyone to go rent it because I need to further burnish my credentials of Guy Whose Movie Tastes are Not Generalizable.

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