Monday, May 17, 2010

17 days of MMJ

It has been 17 days since I saw My Morning Jacket. Since that time, I downloaded the bootleg of the concert and listened to it nonstop on the Metrobus to and from work. I put the old MMJ mix CD of Christina's in the car and have listened to it nonstop. This included subjecting my children to "O is the One that is Real" on repeat to and from t-ball until they finally gave in and started air drumming. I don't even have a desire to listen to anything else. For months I've been lamenting that I haven't found a new band to really get into. So, this is pretty awesome. And yes, I'm probably going to rejoin emusic, get 75 free songs, blow them all on MMJ, and then hope that in six months I don't hate them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just keep in mind the dangers of binging...